12th, டிப்ளமோ படித்தவர்களுக்கு இந்திய விமான துறையில் வேலை வாய்ப்பு - கடைசி தேதி 07-01-2021
கல்வித்தகுதி : ஐடிஐ, டிப்ளமோ
விண்ணப்பிக்கும் முறை : இணையதளம் வழியாக மட்டுமே
விண்ணப்பிக்க இயலும்.
இணையதள முகவரி : www.airmenselection.cdac.in
தேர்வு செய்யும் முறை : மூன்று பிரிவுகளாக தேர்வு நடத்தப்படும்.
Phase I, Phase II, Phase III
Date of Birth Block
(a) Candidate born between 16 January 2001 and 29 December 2004 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.
(b) In case, a candidate clears all the stages of the Selection Procedure, then the upper age limit as on date of
enrolment is 21 years.
Phase I-ல் தேர்ச்சி அடைந்தால் மட்டுமே Phase II செல்ல முடியும். Phase II -ல் தேர்ச்சி அடைந்த்தால் மட்டுமே Phase III செல்ல முடியும்.
Syllabus மற்றும் Model question Paper https://airmenselection.cdac.in/CASB/modalqp.html
Phase I :
(a) Group ‘X’ Trades (Except Education Instructor) Total duration of the online test shall be 60 minutes and
shall comprise of English, Physics and Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus.
(b) Group ‘Y’ Trades [Except IAF(S) and Musician]. Total duration of the online test shall be 45 minutes and
shall comprise of English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General
Awareness (RAGA).
(c) Both Group ‘X’ & ‘Y’ Trades. Total duration of the online test shall be 85 minutes and shall
comprise of English, Physics, and Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General
Awareness (RAGA).
(d) Marking pattern for online test:-
(i) One mark for every correct answer.
(ii) Nil (0) marks for
unattended question.
(iii) 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
result of Phase-I and the list of shortlisted candidates for Phase-II, based on their performance in Phase-I Online test,
will be uploaded on www.airmenselection.cdac.in within one month from the date of online exam.
Phase I -ல் தேர்ச்சி செய்யப்படுவோர்களின் விவரம் இணையதளத்தில் வெளியிடப்படும்.
Phase – II
18. Soon after the declaration of the result of Phase-I (Online) Test, a cut off will be applied based on the marks scored
by the candidates in the Phase I Test and SHORTLISTED candidates will be sent a New admit card on their
Registered e-mail IDs for phase - II test at a designated Airmen Selection Centre. This admit card for phase - II exam
can also be downloaded online under candidate’s login on CASB web portal www.airmenselection.cdac.in. Candidates
have to report on the stipulated date and time for Phase - II at the designated Airmen Selection Centre along with
following documents:-
(a) Colour print out of admit card for phase – II.
(b) Colour print out of duly filled application form downloaded on completion of online registration.
(c) HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, glue stick, stapler and black/blue ball point pen for writing.
(d) Eight copies of un-attested passport size colour photograph (which was used for the online application
(e) Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation passing certificate (required for verification of
candidate’s name, father’s name and his date of birth).
(f) Original and four self-attested photocopies of matriculation marks sheet (only applicable for three years
diploma course holders when English is not a subject in diploma course).
(g) Original and four self-attested photocopies of Intermediate/10+2/equivalent examination passing certificate
and marks sheet. OR Original and four self-attested photocopies of three years diploma course passing certificate
and marks sheets of all semesters.
(h) Certificate for SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel), certificate for sons of serving/retired/deceased Air Force
civilian employees paid out of defence estimates are to be downloaded as the case may be, from the download
section of CASB web portal and brought along while reporting for phase - II of the examination.
(j) For Candidates discharged from Indian Army/Indian Navy/Any other Government Organisation.
Original and four self-attested photocopies of discharge certificate (as issued from Indian Army/Indian Navy/
Government Organisation).
(k) Original Phase - I admit card used during Phase – I test bearing Air Force seal and invigilator’s signature.
(l) NOC in original and 4 self-attested photocopies from the employer for candidates presently serving in any
government organization (if applicable).
(m) Original and four self-attested photocopies of NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate (if applicable).
Note: Candidate discharged from the IAF for any reason are not eligible to appear in the selection test.
19. Verification of Eligibility.
Candidates should be in possession of the documents mentioned at para 18
above, when appearing for the selection test which would be scrutinised/verified prior to commencement of
Phase – II to ascertain the eligibility prima-facie.
Detailed verification of all the documents listed at para 18 above
shall be carried out in respect of candidates who pass Adaptability Test - 1.
Candidature of those who do not meet the
laid down educational criteria shall be cancelled during Initial verification of original certificates & mark sheets and
also during detailed verification at Airmen Selection Centre (ASC).
Note-1: In the case of SOAFP the name of the candidate, father’s name and the date of birth of the candidate as
mentioned in the discharge book/service book/ service particular certificate/ casualty certificate (as applicable) must be
the same as mentioned in the matriculation passing certificate of the candidate.
Note-2: Under no circumstances the candidates shall be permitted to appear in Phase – II of the selection test
without original educational marks sheets/passing certificates & documents mentioned above in paragraph 18 (e) to (k).
However, candidates with photocopies of educational marks sheets/passing certificates may be permitted to appear in
the selection test only on production of a certificate from college/school principal certifying that educational certificates/
marks sheets are deposited with college/school.
Note-3: The original passing certificates/marks sheets shall not be retained by the selection centre. The same shall
be returned to the candidates on completion of detailed verification.
Note-4: Internet copy of mark-sheet not acceptable.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Names of the shortlisted candidates, who qualify the online test, shall be
displayed on the CASB Web Portal www.airmenselection.cdac.in and on a stipulated date shall be called at designated
airmen selection centre for Physical Fitness Test (PFT) which would consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed within
06 minutes 30 seconds.
Candidates shall also have to complete 10 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups and 20 Squats within the
stipulated time to qualify in the Physical Fitness Test.
Note: Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts/track pants.
21. Candidates shall sign a consent form prior to appearing in physical fitness test/medical test for selection in IAF.
He shall appear in these tests at his own risk and shall not be paid any compensation by IAF for injury/casualty if any,
sustained by him during such tests.
The consent form shall be signed by parents/guardian of candidates below
18 years of age.
22. Adaptability Test- I (For both Group ‘ X’ & Group ‘Y’ Trades) All candidates who pass the Physical Fitness
Test (PFT) shall have to undertake Adaptability Test-I (objective type written test) which is to assess suitability of a
candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and
operational conditions.
23. Adaptability Test- II (For both Group ‘ X’ & Group ‘Y’ Trades). All candidates who pass Adaptability
Test - I shall have to undertake Adaptability Test- II as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test- II is to select candidates
who can adapt to the environment of Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life.
Note: Candidates who qualify the selection tests of more than one group/trade in scheduled test and rallies held
during the cycle January to June 2021 and whose names appear in more than one PSLs published on the same date
i.e. 31 October 2021 shall be called for enrolment in only one group/trade as per the requirement of IAF.
CASB reserves the right to allocate any group/trade to a candidate whose name figures in more than one PSL
published on same date. If a candidate absents or expresses unwillingness to join IAF for the trade/group in which he
is called for enrolment, his candidature shall get automatically cancelled for all existing PSLs.
Phase - III
24. Medical Examination. Candidates who qualify Adaptability Test-II shall be issued with medical appointment
letter at respective ASCs. It can also be downloaded under candidates login on CASB web portal
www.airmenselection.cdac.in for their medical examination at designated Medical Boarding Centre (MBC) on
specified date. Medical examination shall be conducted by Air Force Medical Team as per IAF medical standards
and policy in vogue on subject issue. Medical examination would also include Baseline Investigation of:-
(a) Blood Haemogram - Hb, TLC, DLC
(b) Urine RE/ME
(c) Biochemistry :-
(i) Blood Sugar Fasting & PP
(ii) Serum Cholesterol
(iii) Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine
(iv) LFT—Serum Bilurubin, SGOT, SGPT
(d) X- Ray chest (PA view)
(e) ECG (R)
(f) Tests for Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Abuse.
(g) Any other test necessary in the opinion of the Medical Officer.
Candidates declared medically unfit can avail the option for ‘Appeal Medical Board’ (AMB) against their
unfitness by depositing Rs. 40/- in a Government Treasury/RBI/SBI through Military Receivable Order (MRO).
application for AMB along with original copy of MRO, photocopy of Unfitness Certificate are to be submitted to the
representative of ASC within three working days of medical examination.
25. The recruitment medical officer and the specialist doctors of Armed Forces are the final authorities on declaring
a candidate fit or unfit during initial medical examination, appeal medical board and medical examination prior to
The candidates shall be governed by Armed Forces standards which may be a variance from civil
standards. There is no provision for representation or review after the appeal medical board.
Note. Candidates are advised to get tartar and stains removed from their teeth before appearing for the Medical
Examination. Ears should be free of wax.
Candidates should be prepared to stay for the medical test for four to five
days under their own arrangement. No TA/DA shall be admissible.
Candidates using corrective glasses must be in
possession of prescription from ophthalmologist bearing stamp and registration number and it should not be more
than one month old. Passing in the medical examination is not a guarantee for employment in Indian Air Force.
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